Clergy Faith

The OA Virtual Region Convention 2025 will take place on February 28th, March 1st, and March 2nd. This year’s theme is “There is a Solution: Roadmap to Recovery.”

We warmly invite you to join us at any time during the event—completely free—through our Newcomer Welcome Center. Please feel encouraged to extend this invitation to colleagues, staff members, students, and members of your parish who may benefit from our program. We welcome everyone.

For more information, please click this link here and feel free to share it. We also have materials for you, including posters for your community and Where Do I Start guides that we can mail or share as virtual links. If you would like to receive any of these, email us at

Faith-Based Communities and Clergy: Awareness About OA

Overeaters Anonymous (OA) is a spiritual, not religious, program that provides support for individuals struggling with compulsive eating and related behaviors. While OA does not affiliate with any religious practices or beliefs, many of our members have spiritual practices that include places of worship. Prayer and meditation are part of the 12-step program’s daily practice.For this reason, faith-based communities 

OWhy OA Matters to Faith-Based Communities

Food often plays a central role in community and faith-based gatherings, making it particularly important for clergy and parishioners to be aware of the challenges that some members may face. OA provides a safe and anonymous space for individuals dealing with:

  • Compulsive overeating
  • Binge eating
  • Purging
  • Anorexia
  • Bulimia
  • Food and body image obsession
  • Overexercising to compensate for overeating

Awareness of OA within faith-based communities can create opportunities to:

  • Support Congregants in Recovery: Understanding OA and its principles can help clergy and communities foster an environment that supports individuals in their recovery journey.
  • Inform Those Struggling in Silence: Clergy and parishioners can share information about OA with individuals who may benefit but are unaware of this resource.
  • Provide Information to Families and Loved Ones: Awareness can help those close to individuals struggling with food-related challenges better understand the resources available to them.

How Clergy and Faith-Based Communities Can Engage

We encourage clergy and faith-based leaders to:

  • Learn about the challenges faced by individuals struggling with compulsive eating and food-related behaviors.
  • Be aware of OA as a resource for members of their congregation or community.
  • Share information about OA with parishioners and others who may find it helpful.

Resources and Opportunities

OA offers various ways to connect with faith-based communities:

  • Speaking Engagements: OA members are available to speak to congregations or smaller groups, sharing their experiences while adhering to OA’s traditions of anonymity.
  • Presentations: Tailored presentations can be arranged to explain OA’s principles and its role in supporting recovery.
  • Literature Tables: OA members can participate in congregation events by setting up literature tables and providing information to those interested.

The Importance of Awareness

Raising awareness of OA in your faith-based community can provide individuals and families with information about a program that addresses compulsive eating and food-related challenges. Simply sharing that OA exists may help those in need find a resource that supports their recovery journey.

OA is available to anyone struggling with compulsive eating or food behaviors. Awareness within faith-based communities ensures that this option is accessible to those who may benefit from it.

Contact Us

If you have questions about OA or would like to access resources for your community, please reach out to us.

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