Sample Letter – Referral for Therapist to Patient
Dear ___________,
Based on our recent discussions, I know you are looking for resources to address your body image and weight issues. One resource you could explore is Overeaters Anonymous. It is a 12 Step program patterned after that of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), yet focused on compulsive eating and compulsive food behaviors.
Only you can determine if this group would be of benefit to you. As your therapist, I know that your desire to practice healthy eating plays an important part in your overall physical and emotional health. OA’s proven workable solution has helped thousands.
Useful OA links:
- For a free “Where Do I Start?” Guide
- 15 Question Self-Assessment Quiz to see if food is an issue
- For meeting times in person and on Zoom
- For an Intro to OA meetings
- For a form to request a phone call from a member.
- Podcasts
At your request, I can arrange for you to meet one of my clients who has experience with OA, so you can ask questions and get more information.