Sample Letter – Dentist

Dear Doctor______ 

I wanted to follow up with you about Overeaters Anonymous (OA), the 12-Step based fellowship that has been of such benefit to me. We discussed OA on my last visit.

As we discussed, I know you were aware before I was of the health consequences of my bulimic/eating behavior. It was helpful to me that you pointed out the impact on my dental health. I bet I am not the only patient you have encountered that you saw in the same dental distress. 

For some of your patients, OA may be of help. This is particularly true for patients where you are seeing no progress over time in following your recommendations.

Overeaters Anonymous has no dues or fees. We are not a diet or calorie club. We use the 12 Steps as adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to deal with compulsive eating and compulsive food behavior. OA encourages members to seek out the care and medical recommendations of their health professional.

Overeaters Anonymous can support your care plan to help a wide range of persons with issues related to food compulsion that have a direct impact on their dental health. This can include anorexia, bulimia, excessive cavities from extreme sugar consumption and the like. 

I have purchased a digital “When to Refer to OA?” packet for you. Here is a link: <link>

If you would find it helpful, I have attached a sample patient email you can adapt if you wish to make a referral to Overeaters Anonymous.  

Optional: I am available to talk with anyone who wants to learn more about OA. You can offer them my name and phone number. I can drop off printed materials at your office if you would find them useful.

Thank you for your care, 

YOUR Name and PHONE Number